Back in the 2001-02 season, we Islander fans were finally spared some misery and given a fantastic treat. While the first round playoff match-up against the Leafs was an instant classic, we were given an opportunity to be a part of someones 15 minutes of fame. We were treated to the most exciting player to wear an Islander Jersey since Ziggy Palffy. While he barely ever found himself on the scoresheet, he was undoubtedly an impact player in each game he played and quickly became a leader of the classic 7 game series.
Steve Webb will forever be remembered for his aggressive style, hard hits, and his ability to bring everyone in the Coliseum to their feet. During the playoffs, Webby became a star and proved to the Leafs that the Isles wouldn't be pushed around. After our Captain was taken out, Webby made sure that didn't go unpunished. He hunted down the Maple Leaf crest as if it were a bullseye. Against the boards, at center ice no Leaf was safe. From Robert Reichel to Gary Roberts, each Leaf felt the wrath of Webb.
And if you point your ear towards the Coliseum, you can still hear Darcy Tucker's bell ringing.